BP Oil Spill”
On April
20, 2010 the British Petroleum ship “Deep Horizon”
suddenly exploded in the Gulf of Mexico
(Figure 1) Figure 1
sending millions upon millions of gallons
of crude oil into the waters causing an ecological nightmare
(Figure 2) Figure 2
. It came out of nowhere, no one had
expected such an event to have happened, and no one could have
predicted it or…was it unexpected?
In the
movie “Knowing”,
a young boy is given a sheet of paper that has a series of number
written on the front and back. These numbers, you will find out as
the movie goes along, are the actual “dates
and coordinates (longitude and latitude)” of
where past, historical disaster had happened. Plus, this same sheet
of paper also contains information of disastrous events that still
hasn’t happened yet.
particular, predicted event is what we will take a look at. Within
the movie “Knowing” (Figure 3) Figure 3
actor Nicholas Cage comes home very late at night and turns on his
television. It is exactly 11:59 p.m. and, as he watched the
television the news comes on and suddenly announces that there an oil
rig has just exploded in the Gulf o Mexico beginning an ecological
nightmare (Figure 4) Figure 4
like the one that would happened in the Gulf of Mexico one
year later. Nicholas Cage looks up
at the clock and it is now Midnight or, the beginning of the next
day. At this point, Nicholas looks down at the sheet of paper with
numbers on it and it was at this point that I paused my DVD player
because I saw an Illuminati warning on the paper.
(Figure 5) Figure 5
is where I paused my DVD player and saw the
set of number which Nicholas Cage had been looking at during the
movie when the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster had just happened.
you will note that I drew a red tic-tac-to
formation. Look at the center row of numbers and you will see a “6,
6, 6” formation. This identifying mark
of the Illuminati told me that an oil spill disaster in the Gulf of
Mexico (as shown in the movie) would happen in reality. There was
absolutely no doubt in my mind! The movie, along with the Illuminati
marking their territory as always, through the usage of the “6,
6, 6”, convinced me that event would
happen in reality.
evidence of the BP Oil disaster being a contrived event, can be found
in the Illuminati playing cards.
In (Figure 6) Figure 6
(Figure 7) Figure 7
it shows that a massive oil spill would
occur and, if you look carefully at the card, you can easily
determine that, this preordained oil spill
would cover the Gulf of Mexico. In (Figure 8) Figure 8
not only is the event in the picture entitled “Oil
Spill”, it also shows an oil covered
bird almost identical to the one in (Figure 2) Figure 2
This is not a coincidence! This was a contrived occurrence as laid
out and planned by the Illuminati. For more than 30 years now, I have
warned folks how the Illuminati will announce future plans to their
followers through various movies and television shows. The trick is,
knowing how to spot them. And the warning for the impending BP
Oil Spill disaster that would happen
(approximately one year after the movie had been released) is just
one of many examples that I could give.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8