Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant Disaster”
is a volcano (Figure 1) Figure 1
is located on Japan’s island of Kyushu
(Figure 2) Figure 2. For a number of weeks the cone of this
once quiet volcano was emitting steam
(Figure 3) Figure 3, then around January 19, 2011 volcano
bombs of rock and lava (Figure 4) Figure 4 was
shooting forth from the vent, signaling an imminent eruption. A week
later, on January 26, 2011, the once sleeping giant
(Figure 5) Figure 5 suddenly woke up, violently spewing
volcanic ash more than 5,000 feet into the atmosphere while gushing
forth streams of magna (Figure 6) Figure 6.
And if this event wasn’t bad enough, there was more to follow.
At 14:46
p.m. on March 11, 2011 an undersea earthquake with a magnitude of 9.0
struck off of the coast of Japan (Figure 7) Figure 7
which damaged one of the reactors
(Figure 8) Figure 8 initially, leading to a core meltdown
(Figure 9) Figure 9. Because it
was an “undersea earthquake” a tsunami had struck Japan
(Figure 10) Figure 10 that had,
in some areas, reached a height of 133 feet. 20 others countries were
put on tsunami alert, but fortunately there was very little damage
for them.
Could the
volcanic explosion of Shin-moe-Daki and the subsequent earthquake
been created by a misuse of science and certain scientific
principles? According to the Illuminati cards, they predicted the
following events:
(Figure 11) Figure 11 In the nation of Japan,
(Figure 12) Figure 12 a volcano would erupt and,
(Figure 13) Figure 13 shortly thereafter, an undersea
earthquake would happen. It would have to be an “undersea”
earthquake because of what happens in
(Figure 15) Figure 15.
(Figure 14) Figure 14 But, this earthquake was a manmade one
using a device that would cause such an event.
(Figure 15) Figure 15 As a result, a huge tsunami would occur.
(Figure 16) Figure 16 The once safe nuclear reactors
(Figure 17) Figure 17 Would break and, as we all know, melt
evidence suggests that the volcanic eruption of Shinmoe-Dake and the
earthquake which devastated the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Power Plant was
the late part of the 19th
century and early part of the 20th
century, there was a scientist named Nikola Tesla
(Figure 18) Figure 18. He was one of those rare geniuses who
was along the same line, if not equal to the true genius, of Albert
Among the
many scientific devices he had created, one machine could actually
produce earthquake. On one of the early experiments in 1897, this
earthquake machine began to wreak havoc on the streets below where
when Tesla was experimenting in his office building
(Figure 19) Figure 19.
Nikola Tesla have created such a device and, if so, could it actually
cause such devastation as he claims it was capable of producing? Do
such scientific devices of such destruction actually exist? According
to the television show “Mythbusters” they certainly can.
On one of
the “Mythbusters” episodes in 2006, they duplicated the
effect of causing metal bars to vibrate as Nikoa Tesla had, Plus, on
the Carquinez Bridge (Figure 20) Figure 20,
they were able to attach a similar device that Nikola Tesla had built
and, once they threw the switch, were able to feel significant
vibrations from 100 feet away from the earthquake causing device.
after Nikola Tesla died on January 7, 1943 United States government
officials raided his home and took all of his paperwork on his
various experiments and anything else connected with them. The FBI
was contacted by the War Department and all of his papers and such
were declared “Top Secret”.
J. Edgar Hoover (Figure 21) Figure 21 declared
that the case was “most secret due to the nature of Tesla’s
inventions and patents”.
Of the
materials that had been taken, J. Edgar Hoover had reported the
following: “…he (Tesla) is reported to have some 80
trunks in different places containing transcripts and plans having to
do with his experiments…” Altogether, in Tesla’s
effects, there were the contents of his safe, two truckloads of
papers and apparatus from his hotel, another 75 packing crates and
trunks in a storage facility, and another 80 large storage trunks in
another facility. And everything had been declared “Top
face it; the United States government doesn’t declare anything
to be “Top Secret” for
the fun of it. Tesla’s technology was so far ahead of anything
at the time and, mind you, this was during World War II when the U.S.
Government absconded with Tesla’s materials, that the American
war machine wanted such advanced technology to win the war with.
It has
been almost 70 years since American military scientists have had
Nikola Tesla’s advanced technology and the paperwork to create
such advanced scientific devices. The only question I have at this
point is: “Just how advanced have the creations of Nikola
Tesla, such as the “earthquake machine”, come along?!

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9

Figure 10

Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 13

Figure 14

Figure 15

Figure 16

Figure 17

Figure 18

Figure 19

Figure 20

Figure 21