Prophecies of Brother Malachy
February 11,
2013, Pope Benedict XVI Resigns (Figure 1) Figure 1.
In an
announcement which caught most people off guard, the Head of the
Roman Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI. A storm of controversy has
cascaded in all parts of the world as people ask the simple
question…Why? He is a world leader and one that isn’t
voted out of office. The position is supposed to be for life. Or, at
least, that’s what most people believed.
The given
reason for Pope Benedict’s resignation was lack of physical and
mental strength to fulfill his duties as the Head of the Roman
Catholic Church.
A little
more than a year ago I heard of a reporter who had met with the Pope
while on holiday. The Pope explained to that reporter that should he
ever not have the physical strength or mental capacity to fulfill his
duties and obligation as the Supreme Pontiff, he would choose to step
down and do the responsible thing. And what convinces me of that even
moreso is the fact that the Pope has a pacemaker. He had an operation
about a decade ago to have the implant surgical put in and, about 3
months ago, he had the batteries replaced in a routine operation
which had no ill effects on his health.
firestorm has swept through the ecclesiastical and secular worlds
but, moreso for the ecclesiastical. Why? Allow me to explain.
Two years
ago, in DVDs 7 & 8 (Figure 2) Figure 2 & (Figure 3) Figure 3
of my DVD series, I wrote about a set of prophecies that had been
written almost 900 years ago by a little, unknown person known as
Brother Malachy. We are going to, vicariously, turn back the hands of
time and look in the life, the times, and the prophecies of Brother
Malachy for the answers. Now, let’s begin out study.
Born in
Armagh, Ireland in 1094 (Figure 4) Figure 4
Brother Malachy had been born and was baptized as Malachy O’More.
His father had been a teacher while his mother had been reported to
have been a very pious woman. But, Malachy’s life wouldn’t
be an easy one. When he was only a boy of 7 years old, his father had
died and, a few years later, so had his mom. Considering he was
living during the 12th
century when these events had happened, and the he was only 7 years
old, Malachy faced starvation and an early death as most orphan
children had back then. However, he had an uncle (which we shall get
to later) and because he had such a strong desire to learn the
practice of humility and living for God, he was able to enter the
religious life and submitted himself to the religious discipline of
Eimar, a holy order, and lived in a cell (usually a small room with a
bed) near Armagh Cathedral (Figure 5) Figure 5.
Proof of
Brother Malachy can be found in the writing of one of his
contemporaries, Saint Bernard (Figure 6) Figure 6.
He said of Malachy: “His obedience as disciple, his love of
silence, his fervor in mortification and prayer, were the means and
marks of his spiritual progress.”
In 1119
when he was 25 years old, the Archbishop of Armage, Ceolloch
Celsus, Figure 7) Saint
Celsus, Figure 7, ordained him a priest.
This was very unusual back then because the prescribed age in order
to have been ordained a priest would’ve been 30. But, the
nature of Malachy piety was so noted and recognized that they
ordained him anyways.
Malachy had been ordained as a priest, he went to Lismore
(Figure 8 Figure 8 &
Figure 9) Figure 9 where he would spend the next two
years of his life studying liturgy and theology under St. Malchus he
didn’t believe he was sufficiently prepared to carry out the
mission that Archbishop Ceolloch was preparing for him.
In 1121
at the age of 27, after he had spent 2 years in Lismore, Brother
Malachy was sent out by Archbishop Ceolloch to preach the Word of God
and to correct the evil which had crept into the Catholic Church over
the years. And, Brother Malachy had significant success in his
1) He
reformed the clergy by establishing regulations concerning celibacy
2) He
also reformed a number of other ecclesiastical disciplines
3) And,
he sent out priests with good reputations and habits to instruct the
uneducated peasantry
Two years
in 1123 when he was 29 years old, Malachy had return back to Armagh.
Once he had returned back to his native homeland, Malachy’s
uncle resigned his authority over the Abbey of Bangor
(Figure 10) Figure 10 to his nephew in the hopes that he would
bring it back to its former status and observance.
fathered up 10 members of the Eimar community and rebuilt the Abbey
of Bangor and ruled over it for a year. At the same time he also
established a seminary at Bangor. And it was during this same year
that many miracles had been attributed to Malachy.
year, in 1124 when he turned 30, Malachy was chosen to become the
Bishop of Connor. Once he arrived in Connor, Malachy staffed the
(Figure 11 Figure 11 &
Figure 12) Figure 12
with well instructed priests and had succeeded into converting the
people from nominal Catholicism to true devotion.
In 1129,
about five years after he had become the Bishop of Connor, Malachy’s
instructor, Archbishop Ceolloch, died. A few days later Malachy had
received the Archbishop’s staff along with a letter from
Ceolloch who had named him his successor. This would eventually lead
a battle over his new position.
Once the
deceased Archbishop Ceolloch’s family had heard of Malachy
being the new Archbishop, the family, instead, had a cousin of
Ceolloch’s, named Murtagh, installed as the New Archbishop of
Armagh. By all rights, Malachy could step into the position no
matter what Ceolloch’s family wanted however, Malachy refused
to try and occupy the cathedral for the next 3 years because he
feared there would be bloodshed from Ceolloch’s relatives.
years later in 1132 when he was 38 years old, Malachy was threatened
with excommunication if he didn’t take up his position as the
Archbishop of Armagh, even though he feared there would be great
bloodshed it he did.
Malachy had “formally” taken up his position, he wrote a
letter in which he said, “You drag me to death. I obey in the
hopes of martyrdom, but on this condition: that if the business
succeeds and God frees His heritage from those who are destroying it
– all being then completed, and the Church at peace, I may be
allowed to go back to my former bride and friend, poverty, and to put
another in my place!”
did rules as the Archbishop of Armagh, but he refused to enter the
city or the cathedral, and ruled from outside instead.
Two years
later in 1134, when Malachy was 40, Murtage, the “false”
Archbishop of Armagh, died and was replaced by Nigellus who was
Ceolloch’s brother. At this point Nigellus’ friends, who
were secular rulers, refused to recognize the legitimate claim of
Malachy being the Archbishop of Armagh, and they sent an armed
militia to stop Malachy from taking up his right position and claim.
Nigellus and his friends didn’t realize was that Malachy also
had an armed militia and, eventually, a major battle broke out
between them. In the end, Malachy was finally able to take over the
cathedral of Armagh which had been his, by right, all along.
years later in 1138 when he was 44 years old, Malachy had done a
number of very notable changes in Armagh:
1) He
broke the tradition of “hereditary succession.” Back in
those days a member of the clergy who had held an enviable position
could bequeath it to a relative whether he was qualified to take over
or not. Because of this practice, many European families amassed
great wealth and power. So, religion was out the door and “money
and power” were in.
2) He
rescued Armagh from the oppression that was placed over because of
intolerable families who controlled it because of greed and power.
3) He
restored ecclesiastical discipline to Armagh and,
4) He
also brought back Christian morals.
everything was once again peaceful in Armagh, and back in order, as
was originally agreed upon, Malachy resigned his position as the
Archbishop of Armagh and appointed Gelasius of Derry as his
It was
1139 at this time and Malachy, at age 45, decided to make a trip to
Rome to give an account of his diocese to Pope Innocent II
(Figure 13) Figure 13. The journey for him would’ve been
a difficult one in those days. He would travel through Scotland,
England and France along the way. And this is where it gets
interesting, so say the least. Along the way, Malachy is reported to
have received a strange vision. Beginning with Pope Innocent II,
Malachy would write down a list of the next 112 Popes which would
conclude with the destruction of the Vatican itself and, which could
possibly mark the beginning of the end of the world as we know it.
What we
shall now do is take a look into some of those 112 Popes which
Brother Malachy prophesied about. And for your edification, if you
please look at “(Figure 14) Figure 14”
you’ll see a page of those prophecies which we will get back to
later. For now, we will examine those Popes who ruled the Roman
papacy in the twentieth century and bring it up to date so we can
judge, for ourselves, the validity of Brother Malachy’s
prophecies. Let us begin!
and 21st
Century Popes
Leo XIII (1878 – 1903)
(Figure 15).jpg) Figure 15
1) “Lumen
in caelo” (Light in the Heavens)
Because of his great intellectualism, Pope Leo XIII had added
considerably to Catholic Theology
3) He was
also known for his great personal piety and created a number of very
important reforms in the devotional and liturgical life of priests
and laypeople
4) Pope
Leo XIII brought the Catholic Church into the Modern Age
5) He was
also the first Pope to embrace the concept of Mary being co-Mediator
with Jesus Christ
6) He
also died as the Pope at the age of 93
8) And
Pope Leo XIII had the third longest Pontificate behind his
predecessors; Pius IX and John Paul II
Because he had sought to bring his intellectual prowess to aid in his
religious belief, Pope Leo XIII had, symbolically speaking, true
inner “light”.
Pius X (1903 – 1914) (Figure 16)%20Pius%20X%20after%20his%20election%20in%201903%20-%201914.jpg) Figure 16
1. “Ignis
Ardens” (Ardent
2. Pope
Pius X was regarded as having a genuine, “burning
passion” (ardent
fire) to bring spiritual renewal to
3. He was
noted for his personal piety
4. Pope
Piux X was also known for vehemently fighting against allowing
modernism into the Catholic Church
5. He was
the first Pope in over 400 years to be canonized as a Saint on May
29, 1954
6. His
body is in an almost perfect state of preservation even though he
wasn’t embalmed (Figure 17)%20Pius%20X.jpg) Figure 17.
This supposed to be a sign of Sainthood.
Benedict XV (1914 – 1922)
(Figure 18).jpg) Figure 18
depopulate” (Religion
depopulated {or destroyed})
(Figure 26) Figure 26
Communism had taken over Russia during Pope Benedict’s rule
during the Bolshevik Revolution of 1914 and, as a result, millions of
Catholics and Christians were murdered.
3. Also,
the famous influenza pandemic also occurred during Pope Benedict XV’s
rule and millions more had died.
4. There
no doubt of it! Pope Benedict XV saw great religious depopulation
through Communism and disease.
5. He was
also an ardent follower in the belief of Mary being co-Redeemer with
Jesus Christ.
Pius XI (1922 – 1939)
(Figure 19).jpg) Figure 19
1. “Fides
Intrepida” (Intrepid
2. Pope
Pius XI faced tremendous political/religious pressure from German and
Italian fascism because he was so outspoken against it
3. He was
a harsh critic and spoke out vociferously against Communism and
Nazism which really made Adolf Hitler furious at him.
4. Pope
Pius XI establish Vatican City as a country and the Papacy (or the
ruling Pope at the time) as the Head of State through the Lateran
Treaty of 1929
5. He was
also constantly at odds with Benito Mussolini
(Figure 20) Figure 20 beginning in 1931 because he refused to
excommunicate Adolf Hitler. As a result, Mussolini sided with Hitler
and began to work with Hitler and adopted his anti-Semitic and race
Pius XII (1939 – 1958)
(Figure 21).jpg) Figure 21
Angelicus” (Angelic
2. Pope
Pius XII was reported to have “a true pastor’s heart”
3. Was
said to have been a very deeply spiritual man
4. It had
also been reported that he had visions, but none of them, as of yet,
has ever been revealed
John XXIII (1958 – 1963)
(Figure 22)%20wearing%20the%20Triple%20Crown%20at%20his%20coronation%20in%201958.jpg) Figure 22
“Pastor et
Nauta” (Shepherd
and Sailor)
2. Pope
John XXIII was considered by almost everyone to be a true “pastor
and shepherd” of Roman Catholicism
3. Before
he became Pope, he was also the “Patriarch
of Venice”, a city “on
the sea” which, therefore, accounts for
the reference of him being a “Sailor”
according to Malachy’s prophecy.
4. Note:
it was reported that, during the next
conclave to elect the new Pope after John XXIII had died, Cardinal
Spellman of New York, who knew of Brother Malachy’s prophecy
for the next Pope, rented a boat, filled it with sheep, and sailed up
and down the Tiber River. Guess this guy really wanted the job!!!
Paul VI (1963 – 1978)
(Figure 23).gif) Figure 23
1. “Flos
Florum” (Flower
of Flowers)
2. The
Coat of Arms for Paul VI’s had 3 fleur-de-lis or, 3 Iris
Blossoms on it. The fleur-de-lis has the meaning of purity and
chastity in the Catholic religion
3. He is
especially noted for condemning the use of artificial birth control
4. It was
Pope Paul VI who had convened the Second Vatican Council
5. He
officially proclaimed Mary to be the Mother of the Church (Roman
Paul 1 (1978 – ruled for only 33
days; August 26 – September 29, 1978) (Figure 24) Figure 24
1. “De
medietate lunae” (From
the midst of the moon)
2. John
Paul I was born on the day of the “half-moon”
on October 17, 1912
3. He was
elected as the Pope on August 26, 1978 when there was a “half-moon”
4. He
wasn’t able to really do anything during his Papacy, or
establish a name however, something very
mysterious did happen during his short reign.
5. It is
rumored that he was murdered because he was going to reveal what was
truly going on in the Vatican and the true power behind it.
6. A
number of Cardinals were found to belong to a secret Masonic Lodge
known as P-2, originally founded back in 1877.
7. During
the 1970’s P-2, which had become a “secret lodge”,
became involved in a financial scandal. Many heads of the Italian
State services, government officials, police chiefs, businessmen,
journalists, etc. were all found on a member list of P-2.
8. Pope
John Paul I immediately investigated the Vatican Bank and wanted to
dismiss any Prelate (a high-ranking member of the ecclesiastic such
as a Bishop and so on) who was a Freemason.
Interesting enough, he was about to make a
series of dismissals and new appointments when he suddenly died.
10. It
is rumored that he was given an overdose of “digitalis”
which he had been taken for his heart. Just half a teaspoon could
cause a fatal heart attack.
Interesting to note: “veneficia”
or “the art of poisoning” is among the favorite methods
of execution by the Illuminati to this very day.
12. And
I remember from being in the Illuminati back then, they were the ones
responsible for securing Pope John Paul I’s death.
John Paul II (1978
– 2005) (Figure 25).jpg) Figure 25
1. “De
Labore Solis” (The Labor of the Sun)
2. Pope
John Paul II was born during a “Solar
eclipse”, hence, “of
the sun” connection
3. During
World War II, he worked in a quarry in his native Poland, “laboring
every day in the sunlight”
4. Pope
John Paul II was entombed when “the sun
was eclipsed”.
5. Was
beatified on May 1, 2011 (the night of Beltaine)
(Figure 26) Figure 26
Benedict XVI (2005 – February
28, 2013) (Figure 27).jpg) Figure 27
“Gloria Olivae” (Glory
of the Olive)
2. A
newspaper article, in India, appeared in one of their newspaper which
claimed: “A man appeared to the Cardinals, the day before the
election, and said:
a. You
must elect a giant, spiritual leader.
You must elect a Pope that appeals to the younger people
c. You
must elect a man who can hold the Church together
Make sure you “do
elect a Pope who is associated with the Olive
3. By
choosing “Benedict XVI”
as his “regnal name”,
the Pope became distantly connected with the Benedictine monks whose
symbol is the Olive Branch.
This now
bring us to the 112 Pope, the last Pope in the prophecies as seen by
Brother Malachy. If you take a look at “
(Figure 28) Figure 28” you will see the original 1591
Lignum Vitae, p. 311 in the Latin text from where the Prophecies of
Brother Malachy can now be found. Notice the section that I outlined;
that is the prophecy which deals with Pope 112 or, the last Pope.
Verbatim, the Latin text reads as follows:
persecution extrema S.R.E. sedebit Petrus Romanus, qui pascet oves in
multis tribulationbus: quibus transactis civitas spticollis diruetur,
& Judex tremedus judicabit populum suum. Finis.”
translation of which of:
extreme persecution, the Seat of the Holy Roman Church will be
occupied by Peter the Roman, who will feed the sheep through many
tribulations, at the term of which the city of the seven hills will
be destroyed, and the formidable Judge will judge his people. The
If, and I
must stress the word “if” what
Brother Malachy had written about the last Pope, then whoever is
going to be elected as the new Supreme Pontiff over the Roman
Catholic Church, is supposed to be false prophet. And there is
scriptural evidence to support that Malachy could very have been
correct. He wrote that “the city of the
seven hills will be destroyed, and the formidable Judge will judge
his people.” Does scripture agree with
this prophesied destruction or not? It most certainly does. But,
before I show you how, I need to show you something else first.
Revelation 18:10 – 13, it tells us that the Great City of
Babylon is being judged. And that merchants from over the world will
weep and mourn over its destruction (because they will no longer be
making their outrageous amounts of money).
A list of
those items which the merchants had sold to the Great City of Babylon
1) Gold,
silver, precious stone and pearls (costly
metals and ornaments)
2) Fine
lines, and purple, and silk, and scarlet (costly
3) Thyine
wood, vessels of ivory, vessels made from precious wood, and brass,
and iron, and marble (costly furnishings)
Cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense (costly
5. Wine,
and oil, and fine flour, and wheat (costly
6. And
beast, and sheep (costly cattle, especially
moreso during those days of world wide famine during the tribulation
7. And
horses, and chariots (costly conveyances)
8. And
slaves (human chattel)
9. And
the souls of men
Not only
is the Catholic Church the ones who, historical speaking, has spent
untold billions on the items in the above, but they are the ONLY
religion who claims they have the power over
“the souls of men”.
Remember, Catholic priests claim they have the power to send a person
straight to hell through the act of excommunication. Plus, if you’re
a good enough Catholic, on your deathbed you can be absolved of all
of your sins and receive an extreme unction which would send you
straight to heaven. So, this fits in perfectly with the description
of the Church of Rome.
Revelation 17:9 it identifies where the “Mystery
Babylon” system (also
identified as the Mother of Harlots) will
sit. It says, “The seven heads are seven mountains, on which
the woman sittenth.” The Greek word that was used for
“mountains” is
which, literally means “hills”.
So, the Mother of Harlots,
Mystery Babylon will
be located, geographically speaking, in an area that has “7
hills”. And, there is ONLY
ONE area on the entire planet in which, a
Major Religious System
is sitting in an area that has “7
hills”. That religious center is the
Headquarters of Roman Catholicism; Vatican City itself. And, it is
the ONLY major
religious system in the world that is sitting in an area that has “7
hills” as the Bible points out.
extremely important to this study is how Brother Malachy foresaw the
destruction of Vatican City. In Revelation 18:15 – 19 it
foretells of the destruction of that “Mystery
Babylon” system that “sits
upon 7 hills”. “Alas, alas, that
great city…For in one hour so great riches is come to
nought….And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning…for
in one hour is she made desolate.”
City is going to be judged by God and destroyed (Rev. 18:8 –
9)! Brother Malachy was right according to the prophecies found in
the Bible. The reason that Vatican City will be destroyed is because
they will eventually transform the entire covert occult religion of
Roman Catholicism into an overt one. Revelation 18:23b reads as
follows: “for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
Notice it didn’t say “some of the nations”; it says
“all of the nations”. Further proof of this being an
occult religion can be found in another part of Revelation.
Revelation 13:11 – 15 tells us that another figure (whom we
identify as the false prophet) appears on the scene and will perform
great wonder and that he can even call down fire from heaven onto the
earth in front of men. And, because of these miracles which he will
also perform in front of the Antichrist, this false prophet will be
obeyed when he has the people of the earth make “an
image to the beast”. And, to further
demonstrate his power, the false prophet will be able to give life
unto the image of the beast and that it will also be able to speak.
Those who do not bow down and worship that image will be killed!
any shadow of a doubt Ladies and Gentlemen, the scriptural prophecies
make it very clear that Vatican City will be utterly destroyed during
the Tribulation Period. Plus, the prophecy of Brother Malachy
foreseeing the destruction of Vatican City not only is correct, but
the Bible verifies it. The truth is what it is; TRUTH! Whether it’s
uncomfortable or not, the fact remains that the “Truth is the
Truth”. You can deny it, lie about it, twist it and pervert it
out of context, but the truth remains the truth.
facts just cannot be denied. One of those facts is that the
prophecies given over to Brother Malachy were spot on! The overall
evidence is just too insurmountable to say otherwise. Plus, scripture
agrees with Brother Malachy when it speaks of the destruction of
Vatican City. However, the question still remains: Is the next Pope
going to be the Petrus Romanus which Brother Malachy had seen who,
according to the scriptures, would eventually become the false
prophet? I cannot give you an answer for that. Only and ONLY
God knows that answers and He didn’t
reveal it to us in His Holy Word.
questions about Brother Malachy need to be addressed. One of which
is, “Since he had received such accurate prophecies, could he
have seen saved; Born-Again? He “could”
have been (emphasis on “could”
have) for the following reasons:
1) His
life was one of genuine piety and looking to do after the will of
2) He
lived during a time when the Catholic Church had very little
influence in Europe compared to what it does today. So, Brother
Malachy would’ve had a lot of lead way in his personal beliefs
because no one could have easily questioned him about it.
3) He
died on November 2, 1148, well before the beginnings of the first
Inquisition of 1184. So, he wouldn’t have been terrified into
not become saved even though he was Catholic. And, by this, I mean
that many people from many different religions around the world do
get saved. However, I know of many who still hadn’t left their
originally religion because of what they’re afraid their
families or friends might say. Others, I know who are genuinely
saved, will remain in their original religion so that they can
convert others over to true Biblical Christianity by leading them to
salvation. I can’t agree with such “covert” methods
but, I cannot deny their salvation. Once again, ONLY
God knows the true heart of anyone and
whether or not they’re truly saved. And I would strongly advise
everyone to adhere to that. No one, absolutely no one, was given the
authority to judge a man’s salvation. We can be fruit inspector
and inspect the tree of their lives so see what can of fruit their
growing but, we cannot judge their salvation! And I would challenge
everyone to find me a scriptural verse that says we can!
So, there
it is my Brothers and Sisters!
world is spiraling out of control. Nations are fighting against
nations; we hear rumors of other conflicts to come. North Korea has
detonated an 8 kiloton nuclear device, diseases are spreading across
the globe, financial economies of nations are on the verse of
collapse, and nature is in a state of utter upheaval with all of the
unprecedented amounts of volcanoes erupting, tidal waves, earthquakes
and tornadoes happening around the globe. Biblical prophecies are
proven to be accurate over and over again. This world and all that we
know is coming to a close. Soon the pre-Tribulation Rapture of the
Church will occur and then, once the Tribulation Period begins, there
will only be 7 years left, at the end of which will be the Battle of
Armageddon with the Glorious, Second Coming of Our Risen Lord and
Savior, Jesus Christ along with tens of thousands of His saints
riding at His side to stop this world from complete, self-destruction
at the hand of Satan and his antichrist.
question to you at this point is: What will you do until then? Time
is swiftly passing us by and the Rapture shall soon occur. Will you
be about your Father’s business (winning the lost over to
Christ), or will you be another pew warmer, or Christian who doesn’t
want to step out of his commit zone, or will you be a Christian who
doesn’t want to be confused by the facts? My fervent prayer is
that you will put on the Whole Armor of God and win the lost.
Continue to study your Bible and seek for the guidance of the Holy
Spirit. Continue to fellowship and meet regularly with your fellow
Brothers and Sisters. Learn of those things which are happening in
the world today so that you can arm yourself with the truth, and by
revealing the sad truths of this world, you may be able to save the
lost over to Jesus Christ through His truth. And, no matter what,
love each other whether or not you agree with each other. Do not
judge, do not condemn, but learn that no one is going to agree with
you 100% of the time. Who knows, you may be the one who is wrong to
begin with. Think about that for a minute.
Take care
my dear Brothers and Sisters and God keep and bless each and every
single one of you….Doc!
For those of you who like more information
surrounding Brother Malachy please refer to DVD 7 & 8
(Figure 29 Figure 29 &
Figure 30) Figure 30
which are called: “The
Illuminati’s Plan for 2012 and Beyond (Vol. 1)” which is
DVD 7 and, “The Illuminati’s Plan for 2012 and Beyond:
‘Paradigm Shift’ (Vol. 2)” which is DVD 8. Both can
be found on my web site @:
and they are listed under the “New DVDs” section.