Tribulation Period”
from the Holy Bible teaches us God’s foreknowledge of the future.
We refer to future events as prophecies. And it’s because of such
prophecies we can rest comfortably in the knowledge that, during the
End Times or, as some would say, the Latter Days, conditions on the
earth are going to spiral out of control with such ferocity that all
the nations of the world will meet in combat on the Plains of
Megiddo, in the valley of Jehoshaphat (Joel 3:2) and create the
Battle of Armageddon. At this point Jesus Christ, along with His
armies, descend from heaven and will put an end to it.
enough, the Illuminati playing cards do speak of events that will
happen before and during the Tribulation Period; the 7 year period in
which the Antichrist will rule over the world.
(Figure 1) Figure 1
shows one of my favorite paintings of what
will happen when the Rapture occurs. This event, the Rapture, will
occur before the Tribulation Period begins because the Rapture is the
sole event that marks the end of the Christian
Church Era. This perspective, known as “The
Pre-Tribulation”, is covered in the section
on the front page called: “It’s in the
Bible”. Once you open that link up, please
look for: “The Pre-Tribulation Rapture of
the Church”, and it will be there you will
be able to read all of the Biblical proof for this perspective.
(Figure 2) Figure 2
gives us a representation of what John the
Apostle had seen when he had been instructed to write the Book of
Revelation. Chapter 6:2 of Revelation tells us a White Rider will
appear on a white horse carrying a bow but, it has no arrow. This is
the Antichrist coming upon the political scene of the world as a man
of peace but, he does possess the power to create wars when he wants
Revelation 6:4 a Red Rider which, symbolically speaking is war, comes
on the scene and takes away the peace of the world by making wars
under the orders of the Antichrist.
The Black
Horse is famine. In Revelation 6:5 – 6 a global famine is going to
strike with such devastation that, quite literally, by today’s
measurements, you would have to work an entire day just to earn one
loaf of bread. Makes me wonder if the Monsanto genetically modified
foods will have anything to do with event.
the Pale Horse. The Rider upon this horse in Revelation 6:8 is Death
and Hell. He will have the power to kill people through various
means: the sword, hunger, with the beasts of the earth and, as
result, Hell will be claiming those poor souls. For those of you, who
wish more detail information on these events and other events in the
Book of Revelation, please refer to DVD 6 in my series
(Figure 3) Figure 3
called: “The
Illuminati is Fulfilling Bible Prophecy”.
of incredible interest, if not amazingly so, is the fact that the
Illuminati playing cards do speak of those events caused by the Four
Horsemen of the Apocalypse. In
(Figure 4) Figure 4
you can easily tell by the caption and
picture that World War III has struck and that is appears to be
nuclear because of the mushroom cloud. And this would be the Red
Horse and the Rider upon it.
(Figure 5) Figure 5
shows us that a world famine (hunger) would
hit the earth. And this would be the Black
Horse and the Rider that’s riding it.
(Figure 6) Figure 6
shows that epidemics would strike the earth
and, in
(Figure 7) Figure 7
, the
Center for Disease Control
would be one of the culprits behind them all. This would be the Black
Horse and the Rider that is known as Death.
So, where
are the White Horse and
the Rider who is identified as the Antichrist?
Please look at
(Figure 8 and 9) Figure 8 and 9
. The first card on your left
(Figure 8) Figure 8
is titled: “Charismatic
Leader”. This is the Rider upon the White
Horse that is spoken of in Revelation 6:2. He
will arise upon the political scene of the world as a man of peace
who supposedly will have all the answers to all the problems. And,
according to the Illuminati card, he will be a “Charismatic
Leader” who will eventually be worshipped
as the new Messiah
(Figure 9) Figure 9
Some sort
of financial collapse is going to strike the world according to
(Figure 10) Figure 10
, and this
would go hand-in-hand with Revelation 13:16 – 18 because money is
no longer going to be a viable form of currency. In the day of the
Tribulation Period buy
or sell anything, you will only be able to do so if you have the
mark, the name, or the number of the beast (a.k.a. Antichrist) in
your right hand or forehead.
Technology can have a Bioelectrical Implant Chip injected right
underneath the skin of your right hand or forehead which easily
demonstrates computer chips
(Figure 11) Figure 11
or something of like fashion, can be used.
that the numbers “6,6,6” will
be used as the “Mark of the Beast”
according to Revelation 13:18 is abundantly
evident when we look
at so many various business and organizations which the Illuminati
had either created or had taken over. Taken from DVD 3 of my series
which was called “Frontmen of the
(Figure 12) Figure 12
, the familiar logo
of the Trilateral Commission
(Figure 13) Figure 13
is made up of 3 swirls whose innards make up a 6,
6, 6
(Figure 14) Figure 14
. And, yes, it was the
Illuminati who created the Trilateral Commission.
United Nations, another front organization of the Illuminati to
perpetuate their plans for a New World Order, is pronouncing their
60th birthday of
utter and complete failure, as far as I’m concerned, made the “6,
6, 6” very prominent in this meeting
(Figure 15) Figure 15
Condoleeza Rice as the Secretary of Defense.
almost impossible to buy anything nowadays without the Bar
Code label
(Figure 16) Figure 16
, and as I’m sure most folks know
nowadays that it was created using the number
of the beast…6,6,6.
The 2008
Beijing Olympic Games had the “Olympic
(Figure 17) Figure 17
covered in swirling 6’s.
And the
all too familiar logo of Google
(Figure 18) Figure 18
which appears to be taking over the computer industry, is made up of
three 6’s.
inescapable Ladies and Gentlemen; the prominent usages of 6,6,6,
the mark of the beast,
is demonstrating that his rise is imminent.
(Figure 19) Figure 19
, of the Illuminati cards, speaks of
Earthquakes that will also happen. In Revelation 16:18 – 19 there
will be an earthquake of such a scale and magnitude that nothing, in
all of man’s history, would’ve been as huge and devastating. So
powerful and destructive is this earthquake that the “great city”
(Babylon) will be divided into three parts.
(Figure 20) Figure 20
, a huge meteor is going to strike the
earth according to the Illuminati playing card and, this is confirmed
in the Bible. In Revelation 8:8 it describes “a
great mountain burning with fire” that will
land in the sea. As a result of this meteor striking the sea, a huge
tidal wave will devastate much of the world as seen in
(Figure 21) Figure 21
. This is a perfect description of a meteor
just like the one envisioned on the Illuminati playing card and what
would happen as a result of such an event. But, this is not a single
event. In Revelation 8:10 it tells us that “a
great star from heaving, burning as it were a lamp,” would
strike the rivers of the world. So, it is clearly pointed out in
God’s Holy Words that multiple meteors, or comets and asteroids are
going to pound the earth during the Tribulation Period.
natural disasters, as a result of Divine Intervention, will happen
and the Illuminati playing cards, once again, seem to concur with
(Figure 22) Figure 22,
(Figure 23) Figure 23,
(Figure 24) Figure 24
that hurricanes and tornados will wreck havoc with their violent
winds, rains and storms while volcanoes will be erupting and changing
the landscape of the world.
For me,
the saddest thing that will occur during this time will be those
people who become saved and die for preaching about Christ and His
glorious gift of everlasting salvation. In
(Figure 25) Figure 25
it shows bloodstained tracks on the ground
with a huge tank, and the caption reads: “Martyrs”.
And in Revelation 20:4 it reveals to us that people are going to be
martyred because they worshipped Jesus Christ and not the Antichrist.
(Figure 26) Figure 26
, of the
Illuminati playing cards, also demonstrates that this is exactly
what’s going to happen. And the “beheadings”
are going to be done through the guillotine.
things will occur such as “total eclipses”
and “the moon
turning the color of blood” (Figure 27 Figure 27
& 28) Figure 28
which the Bible speak of in Revelation 8:12 but, for now, if you
really do want to get into these topics and other in a more detailed
fashion, please look at DVD 6 in my series called: “The
Illuminati is Fulfilling Bible Prophecy”.
Since the
Illuminati playing cards match up perfectly to the prophecies of
God’s words, it makes you wonder what they’re up to and how
they’re planning for these events which shall eventually devastate
the earth.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9

Figure 10

Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 13

Figure 14

Figure 15

Figure 16

Figure 17

Figure 18

Figure 19

Figure 20

Figure 21

Figure 22

Figure 23

Figure 24

Figure 25

Figure 26

Figure 27

Figure 28