Occult: Religions of the World”
Let me
set the scene for you. The children of Israel have been wandering in
the desert for 40 years (Numbers 14:29 – 33) because they tempted
God 10 times (Numbers 14:22). Anyone who was older than 19 would not
see the land flowing with milk and honey because of their murmurings
against God.
One of
the many sins, that the children of Israel were guilty of, was the
worship of false gods; idolatry (Exodus 32). They had, in fact, been
practicing a form of Egyptian witchcraft or, Egyptian magic. They had
made a golden calf
(Figure 1) Figure 1 The Golden Calf
proclaimed it to be their god when Moses delayed coming down from
Mount Sinai; he had been up there for 40 days and most of them
thought he was dead.
golden calf was, in fact, the animal totem for Moloch
(Figure 2) Figure 2 Moloch
. Moloch is usually depicted as a bull, or
a bull-headed god with two outstretched arms (sometimes over a fire
pit), with wings and two horns
(Figure 3) Figure 3 Moloch
After the
children of Israel had gone through their wandering of the desert for
40 years, they were going to be allowed to enter into the land that
was flowing with milk and honey. This would be the ancient land of
Canaan. Before they went into this land, God gave them very strict
orders. The part we need to look at is found in Deuteronomy 18:9 –
12 and reads as thus:
thou art come into the land which the LORD they God giveth thee, thou
shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.
shall not be found among you any one that
maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or
that useth divination, or
an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a
Or a
charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a
For all
that do these things are an
abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD
they God doth drive them out from before the.”
things were listed which God would not tolerate and was going to have
the children of Israel remove them from the land. Those nine things
your son or daughter pass through fire
observation of times
consulter with familiar spirits
wizard and
ancient nations which resided in Canaan were going to be destroyed
because of those nine, occult practices. Very quickly, we shall
briefly take a look of each of those abhorrent practices so you can
better understand, in context, how all these things relate to the
Illuminati playing cards.
your son or daughter pass through the fire.
There was
an ancient occult ritual in which parents would make their children
walk into a fire pit that was directly underneath a statue of Moloch.
If the child would not willing walk into the pit, the parent would
throw the child in. This was done so that the parent would receive a
financial blessing from Moloch. And it was from this horrendous,
occult practice that we now have the symbol for the “Italian
(Figure 4) Figure 4
. Many times Moloch would
be made with one horn coming out from the center of his forehead with
a spiral. The spiraling horn is actually a representation of the
spiraling Tower of Babylon
(Figure 5) Figure 5
Nimrod became the first king. The headdress, or crown, that Nimrod
had worn had one horn coming out from the center of it because of his
hunting skill. Scripture tells us that Nimrod was a mighty hunter
(Genesis 10:8 – 9). And because he was noted as being such a great
hunter, when he became deified by his mother Semiramis, statues,
drawings or carvings of Nimrod were done after the fashion of a bull.
Once the occult belief of Babylon entered into Egypt, the same
bull-like creature became part of its occult culture. And because
Nimrod had a one horned headdress, often the Egyptian bull would also
have one horn because it derived itself from the so-called god;
Nimrod. To this very day, many Italians who wear this symbol will
tell you that they’re wearing it to receive financial blessings.
reason the statue of Moloch would have its hand outstretched was so
that they could be over the flames of the fire pit and would be
glowing red hot as a result. For the same reason of receiving a
financial blessing from Moloch, parents would lay their infant babies
onto those hands and watch that poor child suffer a cruel and
agonizing death. All for the sake of money!
In the
middle of the Nevada desert, the worshipping of the sacred bull is
coming back
(Figure 6) Figure 6 The Golden Calf of Nimrod
Since the summer solstice of 1986, there is a yearly event known as
“The Burning Man” where
people, many of different occult beliefs and persuasions, gather in
the Nevada desert and, at the end of the gathering, burn an effigy
(Figure 7) Figure 7
that use to
be known as “The Wicker Man”
(Figure 8) Figure 8
when the
Celtic tribal nation, under the Druids, ruled over Ireland, Scotland
and parts of England from 900 B.C. – 900 A.D. Last year, in 2011,
saw more than 50,000 participants
(Figure 9) Figure 9
at this gathering and it was called “The
Rite of Passage”.
Now, why would the organizers of this event used such an old term
from the occult world; “The Rite of
Passage”? For more information on this
ritual and other such occult practices and holidays, please refer to
DVD in my series called: “America’s Occult
(Figure 10) Figure 10

Figure 1 The Golden Calf

Figure 2 Moloch

Figure 3 Moloch

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6 The Golden Calf of Nimrod

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9

Figure 10

Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 13