UFO Connection”
On June
24, 1947, a very strange event had occurred. This event would send
ripples throughout the world and would eventually help to, once
again, steer the natural course of human history in another direction
via the Illuminati.
It was a
clear day over the state of Washington on June 24, 1947. Visibility
was well over 20 miles that day for any aviators enjoying a flight in
the heavens that day. Kenneth Arnold
(Figure 1) Figure 1, a civilian pilot was one such aviator who
was flying high in the sky around Mt. Rainier
(Figure 2) Figure 2 that day. It was a routine flight, nothing
spectacular was going, at least, for awhile.
around 3:00 p.m., while he was flying his plane near the Mt. Rainier
range, Kenneth Arnold suddenly saw a series of blinking lights off in
the distance (Figure 3) Figure 3;
the sun had suddenly began to reflect off of these shiny, metallic
object flying way ahead of Mr. Arnold. Suddenly, he saw what would
eventually become known as, “Flying Saucers”
(Figure 4) Figure 4.
across the country (Figure 5) Figure 5 began
to report on Kenneth Arnold’s sighting and, soon thereafter,
photos (Figure 6) Figure 6 began
appear of the same event from eyewitnesses in the same area.
Newspapers around the world (Figure 7) Figure 7 began
to report on what Kenneth Arnold had seen and, shortly after Kenneth
Arnold’s incident, the same sort of event was being seen and
reported in newspapers in other countries
(Figure 8) Figure 8 with more photos of UFOs
(Figure 9) Figure 9. But, what was really
going on? Were we actually being visited from
alien beings, hundreds of lights from an ancient civilization on a
distant planet, way off in outer space?
again the Illuminati playing cards reveal that, not only are Flying
Saucer (Figure 10) Figure 10 being
driving by these so-called little grey aliens
(Figure 11) Figure 11, but that they’re also responsible
for all of the cattle mutilations (Figure 12) Figure 12
and crop formations
(Figure 13) Figure 13.
else is going on with all of these so-called Flying Saucers and
Aliens. The CIA, in a report dated from 1952, stated that
(Figure 14) Figure 14: “…unidentified flying
objects appear to have implications for psychological warfare as well
as for intelligence and operations.”
In other
words, the CIA state that UFOs can be used as a “psychological
weapon” and can also be used for “intelligence
gathering”. If, and I must stress the word “if”
UFOs are from outer space, how could the CIA use them as a
“psychological weapon” and for “intelligence
gathering”? The quick and easy answer is that…they
couldn’t! If so-called Flying Saucers are being driven about by
these so-called Space Aliens, common sense would tell us that aliens
aren’t going to park their Flying Saucers to the side of the
road and hand them over to the CIA to be used as “psychological
weapons” and “intelligence gathering”. No!
Something else is going on here.
We also,
now have, a U.N. (United Nations) Ambassador for when space aliens
decide to visit us (Figure 15) Figure 15.
This is, most assuredly, the perfect example of putting the cart
before the horse. Why would we have a U.N. ambassador for space
aliens since we can’t even prove if life exists in outer space
yet, let alone, little grey aliens with their Flying Saucers? And,
yet, all of these things are going on right now.
a lot more going to with all of these so-called Flying Saucers and
those little grey aliens. If you would, please take a look at the
“preview” for DVD 9 (Volume 1,
(Figure 16) Figure 16 and, DVD 10 (Volume 2
(Figure 17) Figure 17 titled: “Aliens,
Fallen Angels or Antichrist?”
so you can get an idea of just how much information there is just on
this subject alone and how the Illuminati have been working on this
part of their New World Order plans for the last 75 years.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9

Figure 10

Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 13

Figure 14

Figure 15

Figure 16

Figure 17